Why do my Current Courses include courses I already completed?
For ALL Volunteers
The following resources remain in your Current Courses even if you complete them:
- Online Training Support Hub - This is a library of resources to help you use the online training.
- stayCONNECTed - This optional resource is provided for your inspiration and encouragement.
- Connect Conference - This optional resource is provided for your inspiration and encouragement.
These are optional resources to assist you, not courses you are required to complete. They will remain in your Current Courses until they are removed for everyone.
For ACs, RACs, RASs, and Staff
If you are in a leadership role of Area Coordinator or higher, you may have modules in your Current Courses list that you have already completed:
- Area Coordinators and higher will always have the Ministry Specific Training module.
- RACs, RASs, and staff will always have Leadership Development modules.
When you complete these modules, the module you completed moves to your Completed Courses, and what you previously completed is visible there. A new copy is placed in your Current Courses tab to use as an ongoing resource as you lead your teams -- not as a request for you to complete it again.