Computer System Requirements for eLearning courses

We recommend that the computers or other devices volunteers use complete their eLearning courses meet the following minimum system recommendations:

* CPU: 2GHz

* Memory: 2 GB RAM (32-bit) or 4 GB RAM(64-bit)

* Operating System (minimum): Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 6, Android4

* Browser: We recommend Chrome or Firefox for accessing this program’s materials as well as for accessing MyOCC, but volunteers utilizing IE (Internet Explorer) 9 and Safari 6 will still be able to access the materials.

* Internet Connection: 512Kbps dedicated download and 256Kbps dedicated upload. Satellite internet providers are not recommended.


Please keep in mind that these are minimum system recommendations and other environmental factors may impact your course delivery performance. If you do not meet the minimum recommendations, the learning management system will still work, but it may take longer to load courses or courses may pause as the download stream buffers. Please be sure to close all other tabs, browsers, and programs while streaming your content.

Article Details

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Date added:
2019-12-18 19:43:32
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